The 2015 Tamayouz Women in Architecture and Construction judging panel.
Angela Brady, Architect and Past President of the Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA, announced the results of the judging panel for the 3rd annual “Tamayouz Women in Architecture and Construction Award”.
The prestigious judging panel of Tamayouz Women in Architecture and Construction Award comprises of: Angela Brady, Architect and Past President of the RIBA, Clare Devine, Director of the Architecture and Built Environment CABE at the Design Council, Virginia Newman, Director of KSR Architects and a Champion of Equality and Diversity at the RIBA and Yasmin Shariff, Director of Dennis Sharp Architects and the International Committee of Architectural Critics.
Women of Outstanding Achievements Award
The Judging Panel’s selection for the Tamayouz Women of Outstanding Achievements Award is Suhair Al-Sinawi, a Consultant Civil Engineer, who worked 39 years with the Ministry of Housing in Iraq and five years with the UNDP, UN HABITAT and other UN agencies, She held a number of positions such as; Head of Design and Research Directorate for the State Organisation of Housing, Head of Studies Department at the Ministry of Housing, Head of Implementation Department at the State Housing Directorate, Consultant Chief Engineer to the Minister of Housing and Consultant Chief Engineer to the Mayor of Baghdad. Suhair’s publications, reports and studies focused on different aspects of the housing sector and the building materials in Iraq, these studies are references used by the Iraqi Government and the United Nations Agencies working in Iraq.
Young Women Architects - Rising Star Award
The Prize for The Rising Star is awarded to a joint winner this year; Farah Al-Hashimi and Sura Al-Khafaji, both winners produced high quality work; Farah Al-Hashimi, Currently an Academic at Nottingham Trent University and a PhD candidate at the same University was selected for the outstanding and diverse body of architectural work she produced, which is a big achievement for an architect at such young age. Sura Al-Khafaji who is an Academic at Bayan University in Erbil, was selected by the panel for her writings and articles about architecture, urbanism and heritage in the main newspapers in Iraq and trying to influence the decisions makers through writing.

Ahmed Al-Mallak, Founder of the Tamayouz Excellence Award said:
“Congratulation to the winners of the Tamayouz Women in Architecture and Construction, It gives us great pleasure to announce the winners of Tamayouz Women in Architecture and Construction Award 2015, again this year the participants inspired us with their achievements and the quality of work done by Women in Iraq, every year our winners show the world how Iraqi Women excel at their jobs, today our winners made us all very proud to be Iraqis”.
Tamayouz Women in Architecture and Construction Award was established in 2012 the first award of its kind in the Middle East, this award is part of the Tamayouz Excellence Award – The Iraqi Architecture Prize. Starting the next round of this award, The Tamayouz Women in Architecture and Construction will launch a new category to be open for Arab Women working in the Near East and North Africa.
Tamayouz Women in Architecture and Construction Award is Iraq’s most coveted architectural prize, it aims to recognise the outstanding achievements of Iraqi Women Architects, promote role models for young Iraqi women and to encourage skilled women to challenge themselves to explore careers within traditionally male dominate professions rather than switching to ones which appear more female friendly.
It is worth mentioning that Dr Jala Makhzoumi a Professor at the American University in Beirut won the First Tamayouz Women in Architecture and Construction award in 2013 and Shereen Sherzad won this coveted prize in 2014.
Tamayouz Excellence Award is sponsored by:
United Nations Global Compact, Coventry University, Dewan Architects and Engineers, The Iraqi Business Council in Jordan and Ayad Al-Tuhafi Architects.